Compare Jira Integration+ to Jira Cloud for Microsoft Teams

Learn about the differences to understand why thousands of teams using Jira Cloud choose to subscribe to Jira Integration+


Connect Jira to your channels in Teams

Send alerts with our connector to your teams in channels when important updates occur in Jira.

Create tabs to show lists of issues and even board view for sprint based projects.

Works with Jira Server, Cloud, and Data Center.

Capture Slack messages to Jira with emojis

Create new Issues from messages in Teams

Click on messages in Teams and create issues in Jira to track issue resolution.

Never copy & paste from Teams to Jira again!

Update, assign, comment without leaving Teams

Stop switching between apps and save your team 1,000s of hours a year by updating issues right from Teams.

Jira Integration+ vs Jira Cloud for Microsoft Teams

See what you can and can't do with a Teams Jira cloud integration


Jira Cloud for MS Teams

Jira Integration+

Ticket Management Functionality

Edit tickets inside Teams

Create and edit Jira tickets from inside Microsoft Teams

Add comments to tickets

Easily add comments to Jira issues from Teams

Update ticket status

Keep tickets current and up to date

Update assignee

Easily assign tickets to others

Create Jira issues from your custom Slack workflows by integrating our "Create Jira issue" step.

Create Jira issue in Slack workflow

Update labels

Add one or more labels to a ticket

Dedicated channels

Use dedicated channels to sync the conversation happening in Slack with the issue in Jira. Also keep users in Slack updated when the issue is changed in Jira.

Capturing Slack discussion to Jira

Update reporter

Change the person the created the ticket

View and update from Slack

Click on the view button on any issue and get a full view of the issue with options to comment, assign, transition and more.

Viewing a Jira issue from Slack

Watch tickets

Easily watch or unwatch Jira tickets


Add an emoji to an issue shared in Slack and create an issue in Jira with the file attached.

Create a bug in Jira with an emoji

Vote on tickets

Cast your vote on ticketes


Integration+ supports all your fields in Jira, not just the default fields.

Create a jira issue with custom fields supported

Delete tickets (based on Jira permission)

Permanently delete a ticket. This is based on your Jira configuration


Schedule a report to let your team know about relevant issues that effect their workload with scheduled reports.

Schedule a report of Jira issues in Slack

Log time

Keep your timelogs current and accurate


Get the full context of the discussion on issues directly from Slack.

Add a comment to Jira issue from Slack

Create subtasks

Quickly create subtasks from within the parent ticket


Automatic consolidation of near time events stops channel spam and reduces distraction.

Slack notifications for Jira issues

Create issues for epics

Quickly create tasks from within the parent epic


Automatic consolidation of near time events stops channel spam and reduces distraction.

Slack notifications for Jira issues

Link issues to other tickets

Links issues to other tickets as you would inside of Jira


Automatic consolidation of near time events stops channel spam and reduces distraction.

Slack notifications for Jira issues

Change ticket type

Quickly update the ticket type from inside Teams


Automatic consolidation of near time events stops channel spam and reduces distraction.

Slack notifications for Jira issues

View ticket history

View full ticket history and details


Automatic consolidation of near time events stops channel spam and reduces distraction.

Slack notifications for Jira issues

View ticket worklogs

Easily view a tickets past worklog entries


Automatic consolidation of near time events stops channel spam and reduces distraction.

Slack notifications for Jira issues

Support for editing all available Jira ticket fields (time tracking, calendar components)

Enhanced support for all Jira controls


Automatic consolidation of near time events stops channel spam and reduces distraction.

Slack notifications for Jira issues
Microsoft Teams Tab Functionality

Issue search by ticket or keyword

Search for tickets by id or phrase

Display ticket listings based on projects, types, status values, and priorities

Intuitive filters for searching and sorting

User friendly controls and views that mirror Jira

We bring the full Jira experience into Microsoft Teams

Prebuild personal filters (Assigned, Reported, Watched by me)

Intuitive automatic listings for your team

Advanced JQL filtering

Full support for JQL query logic

Intelligent searchable drop-down filters (status, reporter, type, etc..)

Quickly search and filter on the data you need

Direct Message Functionality

Search for issues

Search for one or multiple tickets by messaging the bot directly+

Personal notification configuration

Configure private personal notifications for alerts you need

Create issues

Quickly create issues

JQL search

Use advanced JQL to search for Jira tickets

Assign issues

Easily assign tickets to your team

Edit issues

Easily edit tickets from Teams

Log time

Log time to multiple tickets quickly and easily

Watch/unwatch issues

Quickly watch and unwatch Jira tickets

Vote/unvote for an issue

Vote or unvote any Jira ticket

Comment on tickets

Quickly add comments without having to open the ticket

Personal Notifications

Issues you reported

Get notified on updates to issues you created

Issues assigned to you

Get notified on updates to issues assigned to you

When someone mentions you in issues

Get alerts when you are mentioned in a Jira ticket

Issues updated across any project(s), issues types, or priorities

Configure notifications across multiple projects and criteria

Issue is moved to another project

Get updates when a ticket is moved to another project

Issue is transitioned to a specific status

Get updates when a ticket is transitioned from or to a specific status

Batched notifications to reduce chat spam

Intelligent batching and combining of updates to reduce unnecessary notifications

Channel Notifications

Edit tickets from notifications

Modify and update tickets directly from alert notifications

Comment on tickets

Quickly comment on tickets from alerts

Log work

Log time conveniently

Vote on a ticket

Quickly and easily cast a vote

Add an attachment

Add attachments from notifications messages

View attachment details

Easily view ticket attachment details

Channel Connector Configuration

Receive notifications when tickets are created, undated, or commented

Notification configuration options to alert on multiple filters and events

User friendly automatic connector configuration vs manual Jira webhook setup

Quickly and easily setup channel and personal notifications without asking a Jira admin to manually setup webhooks

Explore Jira Microsoft Teams integration workflows or create your own

Get started with Jira Integration+

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